Monday, February 7, 2011

Contest link

My favorite blogger is Joshilyn Jackson over at Faster Than Kudzu.  She is my favorite because she writes about fascinating people like her children and her husband AND she makes me laugh.  Making people laugh -- especially in writing -- is really much harder than most people realize.  I was at a writer's conference once and there was a panel on humor in writing.  Haven Kimmel was one of the panelists.  A woman in her twenties stood up and asked the question: "Could you give us an example of putting humor in writing?"  The rest of the panelists just looked at each other, at a loss, and the audience shifted uncomfortably.   So Haven Kimmel leaned over and said dryly, "well, I happen to think it's funny when people fall down," (cue huge, relieved laughter).  We all laughed not just at what she said, but HOW she said it and her timing.  Humor is a wonderful thing, but it takes talent to create it in writing.

So, now that I have EXPLAINED why Joshilyn is my favorite blogger, I'm posting a link to a book giveaway on her blog, and the reason that I am doing that is because if I post a link, I get a better chance of winning that book for myself.  To understand why I want to win the book, read my previous post).

So check her out at :

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